Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Before & After: Correcting Asymmetry With Permanent Results

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty #40

This is an excellent example of the precision and permanence of microdroplet Silikon-1000 when used for permanent non-surgical nose job procedures. Our beautiful patient was concerned by the asymmetry of her nose after previous rhinoplasty surgery. In the before picture, you can see asymmetrical nostril retraction, nasal tip asymmetry, and an indentation along the left side wall of her nose as well. The after photo was taken one month following a single treatment with microdroplet Silikon-1000. Goals were to lower her nostrils, add volume to her left tip, and to add volume to her left nasal side wall. You can see a natural looking less operated and more symmetrical nasal appearance in her after photo. These results are permanent.