Rhinoplasty Before & After: Corrected Crooked Nasal Appearance

Rhinoplasty #258

Our beautiful 36-year-old patient is seen one year following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. Before surgery, she had a crooked nasal appearance with collapse of her right internal nasal valve and both external nasal valves. Her nasal obstruction was made worse by enlarged turbinates, and a severely deviated septum. Additionally, she did not like her bulbous droopy tip and her profile hump. We consider this a difficult case because our patient has thin nasal skin. Her breathing issues were repaired using lateral crural strut grafts on both sides, a right spreader graft, septoplasty, and terminate reduction on both sides. You can see a straighter nasal appearance with profile deprojection, a tip lift, and a more feminine and less distracting nasal appearance. Atnd our patient is breathing wonderfully.