Neck Liposuction

Chin & Neck Before & After: Decrease Double Chin Inflammation & Improve Jaw Line

Chin & Neck #19

Our handsome 34 year old patient is seen 6 months following chin implant surgery, and neck liposuction surgery. He was bothered by his double chin, and weak chin projection. We performed liposuction on his neck using a 3mm spatula-tip, single hole cannula, and this was accessed through 3 tiny incisions - one under his chin, and one below each ear lobe. 65cc of fat was aspirated. We then placed an Implantech Anatomical Chin Implant, size Medium (AC-M) onto his mentum through a small incision under his chin. Surgery was well under an hour, and his natural looking results are simply stunning with no stigmata of surgery.

Chin & Neck Before & After: Chin Augmentation, Silikon 1000 and Lip Augmentation

Chin & Neck #18

Our beautiful 51-year-old patient has been a patient of ours for 8 years. Along with Xeomin and Botox, she has received microdroplet Silikon-1000 to her cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, under eye grooves, and jawline. Our patient's photos are an excellent demonstration of the safety, versatility, precision, and permanence of microdroplet Silikon-1000. Microdroplet Silikon-1000 injections are not associated with necrosis, embolism, stroke, blindness, or infection.

Chin & Neck Before & After: Neck Liposuction with Rhinoplasty

Chin & Neck #17

Our beautiful 34 year old patient is seen 4 months following septo-rhinoplasty and neck liposuction surgery. She had a wide, crooked nasal appearance and a severely deviated nasal septum that was causing total blockage on her left side. She was also looking to improve her jawline, so neck liposuction was performed for a sculpted jawline appearance.