Chin & Neck

Chin & Neck Before & After: Decrease Double Chin Inflammation & Improve Jaw Line

Chin & Neck #19

Our handsome 34 year old patient is seen 6 months following chin implant surgery, and neck liposuction surgery. He was bothered by his double chin, and weak chin projection. We performed liposuction on his neck using a 3mm spatula-tip, single hole cannula, and this was accessed through 3 tiny incisions - one under his chin, and one below each ear lobe. 65cc of fat was aspirated. We then placed an Implantech Anatomical Chin Implant, size Medium (AC-M) onto his mentum through a small incision under his chin. Surgery was well under an hour, and his natural looking results are simply stunning with no stigmata of surgery.

Chin & Neck Before & After: Chin Augmentation, Silikon 1000 and Lip Augmentation

Chin & Neck #18

Our beautiful 51-year-old patient has been a patient of ours for 8 years. Along with Xeomin and Botox, she has received microdroplet Silikon-1000 to her cheeks, lips, nasolabial folds, under eye grooves, and jawline. Our patient's photos are an excellent demonstration of the safety, versatility, precision, and permanence of microdroplet Silikon-1000. Microdroplet Silikon-1000 injections are not associated with necrosis, embolism, stroke, blindness, or infection.

Chin & Neck Before & After: Chin Implant with Rhinoplasty

Chin & Neck #14

These photos were taken 9 months following chin implant surgery, and rhinoplasty surgery in our beautiful 28 year old patient. This is a good example of the balance between your nose and chin on profile. When someone's nose is too large, this appearance may be worsened by a weak chin appearance. The combination of these two procedures may provide an exponential benefit for those who might be of benefit. Her nasal surgery was both functional and cosmetic. You can see hump reduction and tip lifting. She also had correction of a severely deviated nasal septum, along with turbinate reduction and a left spreader graft - all to improve her nasal breathing.