functional rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Natural Results With Deviated Septum Correction

Rhinoplasty #256

Our 25-year-old patient is seen 7 months following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. He had chronic nasal obstruction from a deviated nasal septum and enlarged turbinates. Additionally he was dissatisfied with his wide nasal appearance, droopy nasal tip appearance, and dorsal hump. His bump was removed, osteotomies were performed, and his tip was repaired using a columella strut graft and an extended shield graft. You can see a completely natural and unoperated appearance, and we are all thrilled with these results.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Solving Chronic Nasal Obstruction

Rhinoplasty #254

Our beautiful young lady is seen 6 months following functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. Bothered by her wide nasal appearance, and her large dorsal hump and droopy nasal tip. She also had chronic nasal obstruction from a deviated nasal septum and enlarged turbinates. She is halfway through her healing, and you can see a more feminine and pleasing nasal appearance. We narrowed her nose and nostrils, and we reduced her dorsal hump and rotated her nasal tip. A columella strut graft and and extended shield graft were used to achieve this tip definition, projection, and rotation in our lovely patient with relatively thick nasal tip skin. Her deviated nasal septum was corrected and her turbinates were reduced. We are all thrilled with her results, and she is additionally happy to be breathing better.

Rhinoplasty Before & After: Congenital Nasal-Septal Deviation Correction

Rhinoplasty #218

Our beautiful patient came to our office with a congenital nasal-septal deviation that was causing her nasal tip to lean to her right. This was associated with a long, wide nasal appearance and a profile bump. These photos are 1 YEAR following septo-rhinoplasty surgery. You can see a straighter, less distracting, and better breathing nose.

Patient Review:

“One word to describe Dr Eric Joseph, AMAZING, but even that would be an understatement. Dr Joseph and his staff and truly incredible people. They made me feel so comfortable moving forward with my surgery. If I had a question at any given moment, they were always available, ( even though some of my questions were a bit foolish). I used to be extremely insecure and self conscious about my nose, I had a deviated septum and a hump on my bridge. I even went so far as to hide it in pictures. However that changed after my surgery. I'm a year in and I am so very grateful for my new nose, I absolutely love it. He has given me my confidence back and I will forever be grateful. Dr. Joseph and his staff, they are truly one of a kind. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone!”

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Rhinoplasty Before & After: Deviated Septum Repair and Straightened Nasal Appearance

Rhinoplasty #217

Our beautiful 34 year old patient is seen 4 months following septo-rhinoplasty and neck liposuction surgery. She had a wide, crooked nasal appearance and a severely deviated nasal septum that was causing total blockage on her left side. She was also looking to improve her jawline, so neck liposuction was performed for a sculpted jawline appearance.

Patient Review:

“I will forever be grateful to Dr. Joseph, not only for his medical expertise, but for the compassionate and understanding manner he displayed while listening to my complaints from start to finish. Prior to seeing the doctor, I had feelings of insecurity as well as fear regarding an anticipated surgical procedure. I can only say those feelings disappeared once the doctor, in his very kind way, explained the procedure and how much better I would feel once the surgery would be completed. It has now been a few months since surgery and I can honestly say I am happy, I am pleased, and will forever be indebted to Dr. Joseph. I hit the jackpot when choosing him to be my surgeon. The results that I have received made a significant change in how I feel physically and emotionally. I feel pretty, I feel confident, and just as important, I can finally breathe easily. Dr. Joseph, you are my hero!”

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Rhinoplasty Before & After: Septoplasty and Hump Removal

Rhinoplasty #209

These photos were taken 1 year following rhinoplasty surgery in our beautiful 30 year old patient. She had a functional and cosmetic procedure performed which included septoplasty, turbinate reduction, nasal shortening, tip rotation, hump removal, and nasal narrowing. You can see an un-operated and less distracting nasal appearance - and she breathes much better!

Patient Review:

“Dr. Joseph is the best. He literally changed my life. Getting a rhinoplasty was something I thought about for years. I always hated my nose and was very self conscious of the appearance of my nose. 1 year post op of my rhinoplasty and I have the nose of my dreams. It’s everything I could of asked for and more. 11/10. The procedure was absolutely painless. Not one ounce of pain. The whole experience, from the amazing staff and the pre and post op appointments. You are treated like family. Dr. Joseph is one of the most caring, loving and kindhearted doctors around. There’s no doctor like him! I’m so thankful and blessed to have found him and got my rhinoplasty done by him. Forever a life changer.”

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